A set of playercorefactory.xml files for kodi to play videos in an external player or record the video. There is also a set of bash script to record the outside of kodi using the terminal. Files are part of this youtube tutorial. Kodi record any video by using ffmpeg, rtmpdump, vlc and mpv as external players. Settings (or if I navigate directly to the video using the Kodi file man. Copy of playercorefactory.xml is attached (but it is very plain vanilla).
Hi, I'm having some issues attempting to use an external player (in this case VLC) with the Emby for Kodi add-on. If I use the 'Add On' playback mode (which I prefer), the external player will not open and Kodi defaults back to the default videoplayer. It will only work if I use the 'Native (Direct Paths)' playback mode in the Emby add-on settings (or if I navigate directly to the video using the Kodi file manager). Seems like a path issue of some sort, but it seems others have had success with external players without any special path gymnastics, so not sure what is causing this issue.
Please note, I am using smb to access in Kodi (path subsitution is set up on the Emby server). Using latest (stable) version of add on. Kodi version is 17.3, running this on a Windows 10 system. Copy of playercorefactory.xml is attached (but it is very plain vanilla). So what am I missing?!
The path to your content is correct. Maybe using the plugin method, Kodi auto defaults to it's own player, bypassing external players. This could very well be a Kodi limitation, because plugin paths can return anything. Best guess is it only works if you use native paths, rather than add-on paths. I've also seen other people use external players with Emby for Kodi, I just don't believe they were using add-on paths. Thanks, I suspected that might be the case. It's not a deal-killer for me, just a 'nice to have.'
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